Hairstylists’ secrets to smooth, shiny hair

Ever dreamed of smooth shiny hair that could probably just catch the rays of sunshine as you walk outdoors?
Well, we bet we all wished we had that. Although, factors such as everyday exposure to pollutants, hot showers, and hair styling products can hamper the health and nutrition of your hair. This can then bring about issues with regard to the shine of your hair.
Tina Outen, a professional hairstylist all the way from London had once said “Our outer layer of the hair has cuticles, which are like tiles on a roof. The more uneven and curled up at the edges they become, the more the light will be absorbed into the hair, making it appear dull”.
Damage is the number one culprit of dull hair. Once strands of hair get damaged, especially because of the heat or harsh chemicals used, they begin to break and ultimately won’t reflect light properly anymore. The most essential component for shiny hair is that the cuticles of your hair ought to be closed and smooth in order for it to reflect light and shine.
Tips for smooth, shiny hair
A few tips on how to maintain the perfect lustrous, shiny hair are:
Opt for leave-ins instead of heavy in-shower conditioners
Moisture is the key to silky and shiny hair. Although, getting that moisture or nourishment doesn’t necessarily need heavy product conditioners. Neither does it mean double conditioning your hair with oils and conditioners. It is possible that sometimes heavier conditioners may result in dull and weighed-down hair. Double conditioning is honestly just a waste of the products in your hair. Instead, after you shower, nourish your hair with a leave-in conditioner. This is especially important if you have curly or wavy hair as these tend to dry out and require constant moisture. If in case you feel you still require extra moisture in your hair after conditioning then opt for leave-in treatments post-shower options.
Rinse your hair with cold water after washing
When cold water passes over your hair in the shower, it shuts all the hair cuticles that may have opened, thus making your lay flat. Remember, when you shower, first use warm water as this loosens the grime and dust from your scalp. It also allows hair follicles to open up and allow the entry of products. Once your hair is clean and conditioned, rinse through with cold water at the end. Doing so will close your cuticles and allow the penetrated nutrients to be locked in your hair.
Switch to Ayurvedic shampoos and products
There are high chances that you may end up piling your hair with tons of shine enhancers daily whilst trying to find the right product. However, product build-up can be harmful, thus making it much harder to accomplish our desired hair goals. Switching to ayurvedic hair products and performing in-house or do-it-yourself Ayurvedic hair spas and hair malts will reset your hair and also get rid of all excess product buildup, hard water residue, pollutants. If you’re looking for the best ayurvedic products online for shiny hair, shop at Amrutam.
Try hair oil treatments for smooth, shiny hair
Applying hair oils onto well-moisturized hair that’s naturally shiny helps in boosting your scalp’s hydration levels. Oils aid in closing down hair cuticles which then reflect light. Although, be sure to begin with a small quantity of oil since fine hair may begin to look oily or even dry up if oil is used too frequently. Once you are done running oil through your hair ends, gently warm blow-drying it a few times a week. This is the best way to make your hair shine.
Use satin or silk pillowcases
Satin or silk pillowcases cause less friction to your hair. Thus, sleeping with the help of one will leave your hair looking smoother and healthier every morning. Satin and silk pillowcases aid in maintaining gloss levels so your hair continues to remain glossy even after a long night’s sleep. If you prefer not to use one, you can use a satin or silk headscarf tied around your hair instead.
Darken your hair color
According to hairstylists, darker hair reflects light even better than translucent lighter tones. Although it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stick to a darker color forever. Even a bit of contrast with highlights can make your hair appear shinier. Keep in mind that constantly treating your hair will cause damage in the long run. Hence we suggest sticking to natural ways of boosting your hair’s shine and lustre.
We hope these tips help you bring out your hair’s natural shine. Got any questions? Comment below and ask away!