5 Tips To Good Notes Taking

Write rather than typing.
According to an NPR story, writing down notes is preferable to typing them on a laptop or iPad. Because individuals can generally type quicker than they can write, they have a tendency to take verbatim notes. When you take notes word for word, on the other hand, your brain is more concerned with merely copying the lecture than understanding it.
Writing, on the other hand, is a lot slower process than typing, so the brain is more likely to be careful about what it writes. As a result, your brain is pushed to quickly comprehend or analyse the lecture as you hear it, and then select essential things to take down so you can stay up with the lecturer.
Instead of complete phrases, write down important thoughts.
It’s tough to absorb what the lecturer is saying while you’re trying to catch up with every word he or she says, which is related to the first point. According to studies, note-taking is most successful when combined with listening and comprehension abilities, so try to concentrate and be present throughout the lecture.
You can digest the lesson on the spot when you just write down important concepts rather than complete phrases, which aids not only your learning but also your retention and recall.
When feasible, use images.
Visuals are absorbed 60,000 times quicker than text, according to studies, and most individuals are visual learners. It’s no surprise, therefore, that the power of images has long been recognized in the fields of advertising, internet marketing, and even education.
Why not utilize pictures in your note-taking because they can transmit information far faster than text? Incorporating symbols, graphs, or even drawings into your presentation will not only keep you engaged, but it will also aid in the learning and memory retention process.
Use these notes taking techniques.
Every student develops his or her own method of taking notes. If you examine two notebooks side by side, you’ll see that they have distinct layouts and signifiers that will be confusing to anyone other than the note taker.
It’s essential to remember, though, that there are several tried-and-true note-taking techniques to consider:
A. Outline Technique
The outline technique is self-explanatory in that it helps you to identify the major topics of a lesson as well as related subsidiary points as outline subheadings. Further supporting details are included beneath the subheadings to help you distinguish between the main ideas and the minor details.
This approach is typically favoured in a laptop since you can simply add to earlier subjects, but it’s much more difficult to make room when writing things down in a notebook. When reviewing your notes, though, you can utilise the outline approach to remember the main flow of the lecture.
B. Cornell Technique
The Cornell method is a common note-taking technique that involves dividing a notebook page into three sections. The right two-thirds of the page are for the notes you take in class. Include vital information and concepts, but don’t worry about the order or language at this time.
After the lecture, jot down major questions or themes on the left third of the paper to split up or separate all of your notes on the right side. Finally, review your lecture notes and summarise what you’ve learnt in this section of the page at the bottom of the page.
C. The Mind Map Technique
The mind map approach (also known as the spider map method) helps you to perceive connections between distinct thoughts graphically. The primary concept is usually enclosed in a circle at the top or in the centre of a page. Then, in a distinct surrounding circle, each subheading will be linked to the primary concept by a line.
This approach is useful when you need to take notes fast and don’t have time to organise them like you would with the outline method. This approach may also be used for brainstorming or revising for an exam.
D. Pay attention to your notes.
Whether and how you connect with your notes is perhaps the most essential part of note-taking. If you don’t comprehend anything, it doesn’t matter how precise or comprehensive your notes are. This is why it’s not a good idea to just go over someone else’s notes or copy from them.
Quiz yourself or a classmate, pretend you’re giving the lesson to someone else, rewrite an outline or mind map of your notes, or describe the lecture in your own words are all simple methods to engage with your notes.
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The author is a professional journalist and an award winning writer. He has a team of professional writer with him offering the Best Assignment Help UK.