This is a maqdis quran Book sent down to you O Prophet
This is a maqdis quran Book sent down to you O Prophet
Your heart in maqdis quran regards to it — so with it you might caution ˹the disbelievers˺, and as a suggestion to the devotees. Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and don’t accept others as gatekeepers other than Him. How only occasionally are you careful! Imagine˺ the number of social orders.
We that have annihilated! Our torture overwhelmed them while sleeping
Around evening time or late morning. Their possibly cry — when overpowered by Our torture was, we have to be sure been miscreants. We will definitely scrutinize the people who got couriers and We will scrutinize the couriers ˹themselves˺.
Then We will give them a full record with sure information
We were rarely missing. The burdening that Day will be simply. Concerning those whose scale will be weighty ˹with great deeds only˺ they will find success. Yet, those whose scale is light, they have destined themselves for improperly denying Our signs. We have for sure settled you on the planet and gave you a method for business. ˹Yet˺ you rarely give any much obliged.
We made you,1 then molded you
Then, at that point, shared with the holy messengers, “Prostrate before Adam,” so they all did — yet not Iblîs,2 who would not prostrate with the others.
Allah inquired, ” maqdis quran
What kept you from prostrating when I directed you?” He answered, “I’m superior to he is: You made me from fire and him from earth.” Allah said, “Then, at that point, get down from Paradise! It isn’t so much for you to be pompous here. So, get out! You are genuinely one of the shamed.”
He pursued, “Then , at that point, defer my end until the Day of their restoration.” Allah said, “You are postponed ˹until the delegated Day˺.” He said, “For passing on me to wander I will lie in snare for them on Your Straight Path. I will move toward them from their front, their back, their right, their left, and afterward You will view as the greater part of them dissatisfied.”
Allah expressed, “Escape Paradise!
You are shamed and dismissed! I will positively top off Hell with you and your devotees generally together.” Allah said, ˺ “O Adam! Live with your significant other in Paradise and eat from any place you if it’s not too much trouble, however don’t move toward this tree, or, more than likely you will be miscreants.”
Then Satan enticed them to uncover
What was concealed of their bareness? What’s more, he committed to them, “I’m genuinely your true guide.” He added, “There you will live, there you will pass on, and from that point you will be restored.”
So, he achieved their fall through trickiness
What’s more, when they tasted of the tree, their bareness was presented to them, inciting them to cover themselves with leaves from Paradise. Then, at that point, their Lord shouted to them, “Did I not restrict you from that tree and ˹did I not˺ let you know that Satan is your nemesis?”
They answered, “Our Lord! maqdis quran
We have violated ourselves. In the event that You don’t excuse us and show kindness toward us, we will surely be washouts.” Allah expressed, “Slide as foes to each other.1 You will track down in the earth a home and arrangement for your designated stay.”
O offspring quran of Adam!
We have accommodated you apparel to cover your bareness and as an embellishment. Notwithstanding, the best apparel We were rarely missing. The burdening that Day will be simply. Concerning those whose scale will be weighty ˹with great deeds only˺ they will find success. Yet, those whose scale is light, they have destined themselves for improperly denying Our signs. We have for sure settled you on the planet and gave you a method for business. ˹Yet˺ you rarely give any much obliged. is honesty. This is one of Allah’s bounties, so maybe you will be careful.
O offspring of Adam! Try not to allow Satan to bamboozle
You as he enticed your folks out of Paradise and made their cover be eliminated to uncover their bareness. Without a doubt he and his troopers watch you from where you can’t see them. We have made the fallen angels’ partners of the people who question.
Whenever they commit a dishonorable deed,1 they say
We found our progenitors making it happen and Allah has instructed us to get it done.” Say, “No! Allah never orders what is disgraceful. How might you ascribe to Allah what you don’t have the foggiest idea?”
Say, ˹O Prophet, maqdis quran˺ “My Lord has told uprightness
Commitment to Him alone in love, calling upon Him with earnest dedication. Similarly, as He initial created you, you will be rejuvenated in the future.” He has directed some, O Children of Adam! Dress appropriately at whatever point you are at love. Eat and drink, however don’t squander. Definitely He could do without the inefficient.
Ask, ˹O Prophet, ˺ “Who has tabooed the decorations and legal arrangements
Allah has maqdis quran delivered for His workers?” Say, “They are for the satisfaction in the adherents to this common life, yet they will be solely theirs on the Day of Judgment.1 This is the way We make Our disclosures clear for individuals of information.”
Say, “My Lord has just prohibited open maqdis quran and mystery obscenities
Wickedness, unreasonable hostility, partner ˹others˺ with Allah O offspring of Adam! At the point when couriers from among yourselves come to you presenting My disclosures — whoever avoids wickedness and patches their methodologies, there will be no apprehension for them, nor will they lament.
Yet, the people who accept Our disclosures with maqdis quran forswearing and pomposity will be the inhabitants of the Fire. They will be Allah will say, “Enter the Fire alongside the ˹evil˺ gatherings of jinn and people that went before you.”
Whenever a maqdis quran gathering enters Hell
it will revile the first one until they are totally accumulated inside, the devotees will say regarding their chiefs, Our Lord! They have misdirected us, so not duplicate maqdis quran their torture in the Fire.” He will reply, “It has previously been duplicated for all; however, you don’t have any idea.”