Physical Therapy Nutrition Guide | Right Foods for Recovery

You’re probably familiar with physical therapy and medication as methods for recovery from an injury and managing pain. But, did you know there are certain foods and edibles that you must devour in order to help speed up the recovery process?
Here is the information on what you should include or exclude from your diet while undergoing physical therapy in Dallas.
Types of Foods to Consider for Recovery
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are widely prescribed to patients during the whole physical therapy program due to their various benefits. Not only do fresh fruits and vegetables help maintain energy levels throughout the day, but are also significantly helpful in recovery and rehabilitation. Fresh fruits and vegetables include all important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that are needed to help strengthen the body and speed up the recovery process as well.
Here we have listed a few fruits and vegetables that are highly recommended by physical therapists during physical therapy Dallas:
Berries are widely known to contain natural antioxidants, which are ideal for inflammation. Moreover, they also contain numerous types of vitamins. Such as vitamin A, C, and E, as well as resveratrol and flavonoids. Thus, you can’t find edible berries that contain numerous ideal vitamins and minerals that are needed for faster recovery. This is why berries are known to have a complete profile and are highly recommended by physical therapists during therapy due to their excellent anti-inflammatory benefits.
Broccoli is another vegetable that is widely known to contain numerous antioxidants. Thus, broccolis are ideal for reducing telomere shortening as well. Moreover, broccoli also contains numerous micronutrients, such as vitamin A, C, K, folic acid as well as the minerals of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium, and iron. All such minerals and nutrients are essential for recovery and strengthening muscles and joints.
Peppers are a natural source of capsaicin, which has great anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, capsaicin also greatly improves the metabolism of an individual, which will be significantly helpful during exercises and other physical activity during physical therapy.
Moreover, capsaicin is also known to contain block substance P, which helps to alleviate swelling of nerve fibers. This is one of the main steps in pain processing in our central nervous system.
You should opt for Red peppers as well, as these kinds of peppers have a higher amount of beta-carotene and vitamin C present. Moreover, you can go for chipotle, habanero, cayenne, and jalapeno, which are easily available everywhere.
Ginger is the most widely known type of natural food that contains anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-nausea properties. Moreover, the reason why physical therapists recommend ginger to be an integral part of an individual’s diet is due to analgesic, which greatly helps to alleviate and reduce swelling and pain that may be related to muscle aches, sores, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Most people who are into workouts and bodybuilding are aware of the importance of protein in their diet. This is why they make protein shakes an integral part of their diet. Why so? It is because protein is imperative to help maintain and repair muscles present in our bodies. This is the reason why proteins are referred to as ‘the building blocks of our cells.’
Therefore, proteins are highly essential to help regain the body’s strength and other bodily functions. It is also important to note that there are no other exercises out there that will give you the muscle strength and endurance you need without the help of amino acids that are present in proteins.
You can opt for lean protein, which comes in the form of red meat, eggs, poultry products, nut butter, beans, etc. However, there is also an option of whey protein, which contains all important amino acids that are needed to prevent tissue muscle breakdowns and further strengthen muscles. But, it is crucial to avoid protein-rich foods that are processed or high in saturated fats.
If we talk about the amount of protein you will be needing for recovery, it can be more than the average amount that is recommended, which is 46 to 56 grams.
Vitamin C
Foods that are rich in vitamin C are prescribed by physical therapists. This is because vitamin C greatly helps boost and enhance the body’s immune system, which is highly essential during the recovery process. Moreover, vitamin C is also a natural antioxidant, and also helps to promote the production of white blood cells in our bodies. White blood cells are extremely important to eliminate any invading pathogens that may be present in our bodies.
Carbohydrates are our body’s main source of energy. Moreover, they help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and the whole central nervous system. The type of carbohydrates one should go for in case of recovery in physical therapy is high-glycemic whole-food carbohydrates. This is because, after exercises and physical activities during physical therapy, all glycerin reserves will need to be refilled again. You can easily get such types of carbohydrates from rice, potatoes, and whole-wheat products.
Omega-3s are highly essential for a person’s heart and joints. Moreover, they are also quite helpful in alleviating and reducing inflammation around joints.
This type of fat can easily be found in various foods, including nuts such as walnuts, fish oil, salmon, sardines, chia seeds, and flax seeds.
Fluids and Electrolytes
It is crucial to keep your body hydrated and full of fluids, especially after exercises or physical activities. Therefore, physical therapists commonly ask their patients to drink plenty of water. And also take up foods that include sodium or consume sports drinks that contain special electrolytes.
Moreover, soreness that an individual might experience after physical therapy may be due to inflammation. As a result, waste products are produced by the body, which must be gotten rid of. Thus, keeping hydrated and drinking water and fluids throughout the day, especially during physical therapy, will allow your body to process any toxins that may have been released into your bloodstream.