Fleet Management Software Facilitates Control And Safety

Fleet management software refers to a program that assists business enterprises in coordinating and managing their work force vehicles within a single integrated data network for the efficient smooth running of the business. There are different types of fleet management software available in the market, but most of them have common features like supply order management, customer billing and inventory control, vehicle tracking and repair, as well as payroll management and real time vehicle status monitoring. Nowadays, software vendors continue to develop new features for enterprise level fleet management. It is expected that new technologies will enable better support for drivers and improve the productivity and operational efficiency of fleet operations.
Here are some areas that need improvement:
Save delivery cost
One of the primary areas where the adoption of best fleet management software can bring positive results is in speeding up shipment delivery. The main reason why improved delivery is desired is because improved driver efficiency can bring about significant cost savings and operational improvements. One prominent example of application of this software is in courier delivery application development.
The ability of delivery management software to easily integrate with the existing dispatch process is highly beneficial to courier businesses. Most of the existing dispatching processes include manual entry of deliveries within a certain period of time. The software’s ability to easily track and route all deliveries automatically can significantly reduce routing complications. In addition, it provides for the easy identification of scheduled delivery by integrating GPS co-ordination with the mapping data of the delivery route. This will minimize the possibility of late delivery and also improve driver productivity and operation reliability.
Real-time visibility
Another application of delivery management software tracking is its ability to provide real-time visibility of vehicle tracking. By real-time tracking, fleet managers are able to identify any problems with the fleet such as delays in delivery or non-compliance with delivery schedules. They are also able to proactively control the fleet and ensure that company policies and practices are being adhered to. Through tracking solutions, fleet managers can easily trace and prevent unauthorized vehicle movements.
Analytics and Reporting
The ability of delivery management software to generate reports in real-time is highly beneficial to courier companies. The reports generated by this solution enable courier operators to monitor several different aspects of their operations. These reports allow for reporting on areas that may need improvement such as vehicle efficiency, employee productivity and delivery scheduling. The report can also be used for planning purposes. For instance, if business owners anticipate a high volume of outgoing deliveries over a certain period of time, they can use the report generated by the delivery management system to pinpoint specific areas where improvements are needed.
Improved efficiency and productivity
With real-time tracking, fleet managers can monitor truck telematics such as fuel consumption, fueling and general maintenance of the fleet vehicles. This enables the company to pinpoint problems in areas where efficiency and productivity are lacking. This is particularly important because during peak periods when demand for delivery services is high, the company needs to make sure that its delivery agents are not overworked and that delivery times are kept within reasonable limits. Fleet management software is able to generate reports based on information gathered from the various aspects of the trucking operation. This includes logs of fuel deliveries, mileage and other operational data.
Real-time vehicle tracking
Real-time tracking also enables fleet managers to view the status of drivers in an area. If there are drivers operating in areas that are not meeting delivery management requirements, the delivery management system will alert fleet supervisors. Upon receipt of these notifications, the supervisor can either perform an action or instruct the driver to re-stand down.
Alternatively, he/she can assign the driver to another delivery area and request for further instructions from the delivery management system. Again, this enables a high degree of control over areas that may be problematic for both company and delivery agents.
User Notifications
Fleet management software solutions are also designed to support operations in hazardous environments such as the ports. Controlling the use of machinery in these environments requires quick activation of alarms and prompt reporting of potential hazards. Fleet management software is able to generate alerts when hazardous materials or dangerous objects are spotted.
The same is true for the inspection of vehicles and vessels. As long as a company’s fleet management software is up-to-date with the latest tools and information. Logistics businesses can reduce costs due to the likelihood of being deployed unprepared in hazardous situations.