Best Website Homepage Ideas For Your Online Business

When a person clicks on the website shown by any search engines – they end up at the landing page of that business’s website. The landing page is usually the homepage and sometimes it’s the product or service’s webpage. A homepage is the first thing that people see when they first visit any website. Think of your homepage as one of the most analogous pages that represents the first impression of your business website.
Our web design company in Bangalore believes it is not only about aesthetics but also about converting website homepages. The first step is to understand the elements that would help the visitor convert from the homepage. For this reason, we have shared some tips to help you improve the website homepage and boost conversions.
Actionable Headlines
Your headline is one of the most important elements on your homepage. They are powerful words that can immediately encourage the reader to click on the closest call to action (CTA) button.
For example, words such as “effectively powerful” are not directly impressive, but when put together in a headline, it can help you share a stronger message.
You should always write strong headlines. This is achievable by putting yourself in the shoes of the customer. You might need to concentrate on how to make your website visitor to either explore the rest of your website or you can ask them to convert by using contact forms.
Remove Conflicting CTAs
Conflicting CTA is one of the most common issues that can come across on a homepage. It is suggestive to avoid conflicting CTAs as much as you can. The reason for that is you would minimize the visual clutters.
It is always good to keep it simple and not include many CTAs in one section. In easier words, attract the attention of the visitor, but not confuse them about where to focus.
Use Big and Direct Buttons for Offers
When your website is visible to your visitors, you would want to make sure that your CTAs are the ones that are grabbing the attention.
The CTA button should not take the entire section’s space but should only get the visitor’s focus. Make sure your CTA uses a wonderful phrase that conveys what to do next.
For example, a CTA like “Subscribe Now” does not look conveying, but changing it to “Subscribe Now to Stay Notified”. Now this might actually increase the number of people subscribing to your website.
Colour Contrast on the Website Homepage
Colour contrast means the difference between two colours. On the website’s homepage, it is important to have a perfect contrast between your text, buttons and background colour. This will help these elements to be clear and legible.
For example, you can use white text color on a green background and vice versa. This would be easier to read. But if you use yellow text color on a white background, it would be difficult to read.
When you are designing a website whilst using any of the online content management systems, you will come across many website templates. These templates make your website layout look fine and natural. You can stick to using it, if you are unaware of contrasting colours.
Use Some Sections For Your Offers
When you are offering something for your customers or recent visitors that are visiting your website, you can use above the fold section to highlight the offer. This way you can navigate your traffic to become customers.
You can place a button that directly takes the viewer to the webpage that is selling the product or service. You should help them know more about the products or services you are offering.
Some visitors to your website dislike reading all the content that shows on your website. The solution to engage with these types of visitors is by adding CTA buttons supporting the offers. This way you are attracting them to take next actions.
Responsive Homepage
You might have heard about responsive web design. It means that your website should be able to adjust according to the different screen sizes without hampering the user experience.
The first thing that should be responsive when your website loads is the homepage. This will help the visitor to further scroll down and access your website smoothly. If there are problems from the beginning itself, then you would hurt the traffic coming to your website.
Try to use free tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrics, etc., and understand the areas where you might have to work upon to make your website responsive. If these tools show any errors, then please fix them right away and make your website look error free.
Change Your Website Layout
People like to see changes and for that reason we have ever changed trends for web designing. We suggest making changes on your homepage now and then. These changes can be change in content, change in the product/service description, including internal links or maybe any other fresh additions.
You can also update the layouts of your website and make it look according to the relevant trends. This makes your business website attract more traffic. You should also know that visitors to your website can be there for many other purposes other than purchasing your products or services. They can be on your website to know more about your business’s offers and compare it with your competitors and there are many more reasons as well.
The above tips are useful to make your website more engaging and increase traffic to your website’s homepage. You should always ensure that people visiting your website’s homepage have it completely loaded within 2-3 seconds. Once it loads, you can expect people to spend some time browsing across your website.
Besides page loading speed comes other elements of the website. These are the buttons, background colours, icons, headings, content, etc. Ensure that you are giving your utmost importance to everything.